The Food Bank is open every Monday and Wednesday. Sign ups begin at 10am. There is usually a line that begins to form very early; so come early!
Food Co-op questionaires and first Order forms will be made when sufficient participation is gathered. Rules and By-laws are being solicited, so add a Comment if you have ideas about how to do this thing!
There may be a fee as annual or monthly (maybe weekly) dues.
All members will be expected to contribute (on a rotating basis) toward doing the work involved. This means it is foolhearty to get involved unless you can volunteer a few hours a month to make this work. Ordering will be online and via a signed written form. Certain exceptions are seen as necessary regarding price structure. That will be handled discretely.
At this juncture, the Co-op is just being organized. A questionaire may be included in the LCC monthly mailing to enlist your participation. Fill it out and leave it at the mailboxes. There will be a box for this purpose. Later, it will be used to collect Order Forms. Future weekly forms will be available at the Center and other locations in the community.
This co-op will make fresh vegetables, fruit, cheese, and other foodstuffs available at wholesale or below costs. Ordering will dictate buying; so get your orders in before the deadline. Orders will be distributed on a weekly schedule. To expedite delivery and keep costs within reason, members will have to come pick up their orders. There will be exception available if a person is unable to do this.
FYI: this co-op will be organized either as augmentation of the exsisting food bank, or as part of LCC, or as a totally seperate enitity. Decision as to which of these three possibilities will come as organizing evolves. Your input through Comments is appreciated. Expect an Organizing Meeting soon at the Center. Watch this spot for announcements.
Phil (Notorious) Foster "has left the building."
He picked up and took off for parts unknown after receiving a letter from the Bureau of Reclamation (Newlands). Threatening jail, confiscation of his personal property, and just plain onreyness, Phil decided the dream of a Veterans Training Center in Mustang was beyond the grasp of the East Truckee River community.
Who can blame him? Pity.
Letters to authorities over the treatment he received have been fired off. So far, only Congressman Heller has sent a "form letter" reply.