Truckee River Fisherman (on Facebook) reports:
"Good news Anglers!! NDOW will change the REGS on the Truckee River next year. From Stateline to Lockwood will be limit 3 (elimination of Trophy section) and from Lockwood to USA parkway limit 1. I'm glad to see the change coming. We have submitted additional REGS proposals as well to further enhance fishing east of Reno."
Assume Stateline is California/Nevada, not up at "The Lake". NDOW is the Nevada Department of Wildlife, your horse/bear hater-killer advocates. REGS is probably short for 'regulations', so get your copy if you can find one. (Link goes to NDOT site, so take your ((Smart phone)) out there or only fish in WiFi areas.) Does this change affect Catch-and-Release (?). Would like to know what other regulation changes they advocate or criticize. I have corrected two grammatical errors that have no effect on meaning in their post.
It will be interesting to see where NDOW draws the line as being the "Lockwood" border. My guess, since they are known arbitrary and anti-people/anti-animal regulators, is at the west train tressel bridge. That will mess with the optimum number of recreators.