Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Mid-term Election November 2, 2010
A quick perusal shows more than 80% of registered voters went to the polls in Storey County. Amazing.
Harry Reid lost the county to Sharrron Angle but won the state.
Rory Reid lost 2-to-1 to Brian Sandoval, who will probably leave the Governor's off ice for higher ambition.
New District Attorney William Maddox faces what to do in the Eileen Pruitt murder case.
New Sheriff Gerald Antinoro comes to head a department with fiscal challenges.
The Truckee-Virginia City train got some money for the next 30 years.(Maybe to run tracks down to the River District/RTIP?)
Biggest shakeup: Ralph Trotter takes Edna Cudworths' seat on the CGID; Allen McKenzie takes Bret Tylers'.
Other than that, it seems like (Republican) business as usual.
Good luck to all. We/they will need it.
Thank Heaven all those terrible commercials are finally gone! It seems that there were too many candidates that think they can say anything "long enough and loud enough" that folks begin to believe it. Underestimating the American public is political death. And perseverance furthers.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
New Park Improvements Ground Breaking
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
RDCC October Meeting Reminder
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Is this art or just punk art junk?
Omar Pierce, 25, is interviewed by Brad Bynum on Page 19 of the above sited publication. The subject title is "Wild Horses" in an "Art of the State" section.
In the article/publicity review, Pierce intimates that we Northern Nevadans have an "underdog mentality." A statement that lacks credulity and good sense. He calls Lockwood "dirtier and greasier" in a "classic Western image." Ending with a song lyric from a group whose name befits a seasonal holiday approaching, Pierce, through Bynum, unthinkingly ends his Our Hearts Don't Change publicity ditty with the smirking phrase, "Crucify the insincere."
See his work at Bibo 3, 945 Record Street, Reno starting October 10th at 6pm.
What did we do to deserve this?
Someday, somehow people around this area will realize that "The Dump" no longer is in Lockwood. It is in Mustang, right up the road from the now-gone Mustang Ranch. It is hard to break old habits.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Vol. 1 Issue 5, River District Community Coalition Newsletter
Monday, July 26, 2010
Survey Reminder from the River District Coalition
IF not...
Please complete and submit the River District Community Coalition Survey and Contact Information form that was distributed to every resident on Saturday, July 10, 2010, in your tubes!!!
We need your input to move forward with community improvement priorities! Voice your priorities by submitting this simple survey.
You can turn in your survey at the Community Center to the Survey BOX anytime between now and August 11, 2010, Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m.
Copies are available at the usual locations throughout the community.
Your input will be taken seriously.
Do this.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Coming July 26th:NDOT Project on Interstate 80
It is advised that extra time be allowed to get into town during this period.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Survey Volunteers Needed
Deborah Loesch-Griffin
Spirit in Action,
Turning Point, Inc.
P.O. Box 1028
Virginia City, NV 89440
Friday, July 2, 2010
What is the River District Coalition?
The coalition is a group of Lockwood residents coming together to come up with and carry out new
ideas to better and bring the community together.
The Purpose.. A unified community!
This is a group that will get things done. RDCC members—that could be YOU too—have
prioritized the needs and wants of community residents into three:
1) Build community connections;
2) Create positive opportunities for children and youth; and
3) Address the needs of our senior neighbors and residents.
Is the RDCC like all other community groups?
The answer is “no.” Why? Because we have guiding principles that keep our group productive and
respectful and we work on behalf of all residents of Lockwood. Our Guiding Principles are:
• We all have shared goals to be more united.
• Honesty and trust are MUSTS: speaking your mind but speak the truth.
• Stay committed; we all want change.
• Stay calm and get things done. Your voice will be heard if it’s clear and controlled.
• LISTEN and share ideas; everyone has a voice.
• LISTEN and UNDERSTAND. We must not only listen, but also HEAR what is being said.
• We have ideas and we have answers. Do YOU? JOIN US.
When and where do we meet?
Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at the Community Center from 5:30-7:00 p.m.
We were meeting every second Thursday from 3:30-5:00 p.m., but want more people, especially
those working during the day to be able to attend. We have changed our meetings to every
second Wednesday of the month from 5:30-7:00 p.m. as a consequence. Community Chest,
Inc. has provided a facilitator who helps organize us, keep the meetings running according to our
guiding principles and provides us with summarizes of our minutes and follow-up tasks. As we
move forward, we will take this role on with their support. The remaining meetings for 2010 are:
July 14, 2010
August 11, 2010
September 8, 2010
October 13, 2010
November 10, 2010
December 8, 2010
All meetings are held 5:30-7:00 p.m. at the Community/Senior Center
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
River District Community Coalition Newsletter
Click to view full calendar below.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
On Bullshit Within LCC
I am justified in this action and have proceeded according to law. I now cite (a)conflict of interest and (b)public meeting law violations, and (c)opting to use backhanded methods in enacting recent Rules changes, rather than those prescribed by law, as good reasons to replace Mrs. Cudworth and find a more suitable person for her position. As she no longer acts in the interest of the corporation Members, other energy is needed on our Board.
At the regular monthly meeting of that Board held June 9th, I was attacked personally by both members of the Board and by individual Members attending. One even demanded that I, the instigator of the recall action, be made to personally pay for the cost of the recall election. That, fortunately for me and anyone else at loggerheads with the Board, is outlawed. The election will go forward. I urge a "Yes" vote to recall Mrs. Cudworth.
Meanwhile, coincidentally, I have received notice that I must "clean up my space" within a given time period or face fines and possible eviction.
Edna Cudworth has without doubt been a major contributor in creation of LCC. However, she has committed several acts of "conflict of interest" since her election to this Board. She was a full-time employee of the Management company, and member of the Board of the Canyon General Improvement District, both in clear conflict of interest to LCC Membership. She partakes in secret Board meetings that are held without Member notification in direct violation of existing Public Meeting Law. She remains aloof from the Membership-at-Large. She feels justified in singling out individual Members for LCC action when a simple phone call would suffice. She routinely submits Minutes for Board "rubber stamp" approval that are erroneous both in content and exclusion. She is an instigator of most of the anti-Member action the Board has taken recently. A review of that audio recording of Board Meetings will show she continually acts to influence the meetings according to her whim instead of the best interest of Membership both attending and absent; in particular, several times insisting on adjournment before Member Open Forum comments have been fully heard. She is a sour woman with a bad superiority attitude and ought, for the good of the corporate peace, to be replaced.
There is no Membership Seniority Plan in play in LCC. Throughout this last monthly meeting, I was barraged with the fact I have only lived here for two years. Hear the record. Righteous or not, people keep insisting that their tenure as Members has more credence within the corporation when it does not. Whether 2 years or 20, each Member must adhere to the Rules and the law as they stand. Period. Any action that usurps this critical fact will be challenged however necessary to change injustices.
The notion that any Recall Election action will cost Members personally is bogus. Not one cent will come out of the personal pocket of anyone; the cost is borne in the assessment fees everybody pays. There are other issues regarding cost, but the simple fact is that actions like this are commonly paid out of contingency funds that the Board are required to hold. If it does not, then that is one more reason for the recall; perhaps an expansion to all involved in such an oversight. It is clear in the law that the Board serves the Members, not the other way around.
For those who are are angry that I might cause the expenditure of corporate funds in any manner, I suggest you also investigate and act to lower the amount we all pay. (But I doubt you will.) Making the issue personal will only cause unneeded ill will and personal confrontations. I certainly did not instigate this recall with the intent to take food off your table but did it to insure the Board acts under the law as protection for us both.
Willie Knox, a former Board member, did not understand this, or chose to disregard it. Instead, she physically attacked me following adjournment. I mistakenly took no action with authorities against her for striking me with her fist; although she probably would have were the roles reversed. Instead, since any physical match-up is so heavily weighed in my favor, I simply told her that if she continued I would react physically. I remain cognizant of Willie's influence and former actions against anyone with whom she disagrees. However, she was wrong in her violence and has not apologized as of this writing. I caution further action against me in any form to any Member with like wrong thinking. Against the Edna Cudworth-sponsored Rule against being armed in LCC, I will use my weapons where the situation demands my protection or the protection of my property.
BULLSHIT abounds in LCC. (a)My public question about the need for LCC in its present form was met with Ralph Trotter's contention that our homes would "be bulldozed" and some unseen, unknown entity would buy out the property and build in apartments. (b)Another CGID Board member offered that, without the non-profit protections LCC affords, our property taxes would "explode." (c)Since there was no action otherwise on June 9th, the Board continues to endorse the breaking of NRS Chapter 116 law to instigate new Rules made May 12th as OK. All these contentions are BULLSHIT.
Willie Knox's contention that she and unseen/unheard/needy Seniors on fixed income not including me cannot afford a recall election is BULLSHIT.
Hopefully, a few of the clear-thinking Members (that I have met in the process of circulating the Petition for Recall) will step forward and take leadership roles less intent on "making example" of a few Members for the benefit of another few.
(My definition of the word is taken from the Harry G. Frankfurt work "On Bullshit" published by Princeton University Press, 2005, 67 pg, available on for as little as $2.30 used plus shipping. The word is in common usage and is not swearing. Saying it is is BULLSHIT.)
LCC still needs a Mission Statement. LCC needs some cosmetic upgrading. LCC, itself, needs to go away and be replaced by a more flexible and humane corporate form like a Land Trust (also non-profit) that allows Members ownership of the land they occupy. LCC needs to rid itself of any notion of seniority based on years in the park. LCC needs communication, although I believe the present Board has voted down a public bulletin board in favor of the very small posting boards at the post office boxes. LCC needs to pay their officers a token expense for attending meetings and for doing the business of the Membership. There are many other positive things that LCC needs to do for the improvement of lifestyle here. But...
NEXT: Edna Cudworth mentioned that the Board is looking at a proposal to rid the park of wood burning stoves. Storey County has no laws, unlike Washoe County, regulating the use of wood stoves. Many Members have wood stoves in their homes and rely on them for heating as an alternative to expensive propane or electrical means. Now, true to form, the LCC Board is seriously considering acting to create even more unnecessary new Rules to which Members must adhere; or fight through the Ombudsman's bureaucracy involving considerable expense and time which cannot be recouped.
It never seems to end. We need to "throw out the bums" and get another set of bums! Often.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Primary Election Results
Thursday, May 20, 2010
River District Community Coalition Newsletter
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Early Voting Starts Saturday
Further voting on the following Saturday, May 29th, same time, same place.
Friday, May 14, 2010
River District Community Coalition Newsletter
Community Coming Together Over New Park Project
The priorities for the Coalition were discussed, with a unified community being a major goal, children's issues, Senior's needs, and Community Connections also taking prominent future roles.
A review of the proposed Park design and administrative movement toward its actuality was given by Pam and Deborah. Benchmarks developed for Vision Components in the next three years was the next subject discussed. Strategies and resource development followed, in context to the next twelve months.
A full outline and the minutes of the previous meeting will be posted here, along with some visual material being developed to enhance and publicize the Coalition's activity in the community. Great work, folks!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Candidate Forums Set
The Virginia City News is sponsoring three candidate forums in Storey County and one in Dayton before the June 8 primary.
The first will be from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on May 7 at the Virginia City High School multi-purpose room, 55 South R St., Virginia City.
The second will be from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. May 14 at the Rainbow Bend Clubhouse, 500 Bleu De Clair, Lockwood.
The third will be from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday, May 16, at the Lyon County Utilities Building, 34 Lakes Blvd., Dayton.
The fourth will be from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. May 21 at the Meeting Room, Highlands Fire Station, Cartwright and Lousetown Roads, Virginia City Highlands.
All candidates for local, county, state and federal offices in Dayton and Storey County have been invited.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
More About the New Park
Many thanks to the residents who attended the meeting last night. I truely appreciated ALL of the imput. I look forward to working with all of you in the future on County and/or school related projects.
Best Regards,
Deny Dotson, Director of Community Services in Storey County.
From Pam:
Valid observations all. I feel we got too far afield from the intent of the meeting, which was ostensibly to show A proposal for land use, garner input from the potential users, show how/where the $$ was coming from. I do hope that you will come to the River District Coalition meeting on May 13th to flesh out your idea of the berms and relocation of the dog park. That is what we need...thought thru ideas to put forth.
I am also one of the dog owners who pick up stray poop and am quite vocal to owners I SEE who are negligent. I like your ideas about signage. My best friend in Chicago has a wonderful dog park in her neighborhood. There's a segregated area about 15ft square for socializing and intial meeting B4 entry to the main park. There are poop bag receptacles, poop cans and a water faucet with 2 large bowls. The park users (about 80%) are conscientious and do not suffer rude users or behaviors...a good model to follow.
As for the this point there are now concrete plans or operating behaviours for the gardens. Extension service and the master gardners has expressed that they will provide help and guidance to come up with the plans...I kinda like the British model of allottments where uses can put a small shed on their portion that can be locked individual for storage. This could be accomplished with the trunk-like Ames garden boxes. This, too, is a project to be fleshed out and there are a number of people who are really interested in the portion of the overall project, e.g., Brett, Me, Michelle.
I agree that the coalition needs to come up with a timeline, which may entail meeting more than once a month.
I also spoke with Bret about putting a sandwich type sign in key yards whenever we need to diseminate info to our neighbor hood. Asking Liek at the store to put a nicely done sign on the door into the store. I am going to contact GID and HOA to find out the percentage of people who pay their bills via the boxes in the you have the same kind of drop box for LCC? With yours, Bret's and my graphic backgrounds we can come up with professional looking signage. We know people in the hood too frequently dispose, of without reading most of the stuff in their tubes.
I refuse to buy into the idea expressed last nite that not everyone has email or a this hood I'd guess about 15% that don't. So I think we need to advertise your blog further...perhaps we can get Connie to put a blurb/link in every newsletter and really use that tool!!
So these are my thoughts at this point. And my favorite Groucho line.....time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Park Meeting Yields Progress
There were several points that stood out: location of the proposed Dog Park; liability insurances; use of available parking; the community promotion of a Public Gardens (how that may affect both users and others); the cost of future park maintenence; the politics of using grant monies already allocated; if another park in this area is germaine; and other issues. A synopsis will be forthcoming; containing review of tonight's input (and other pertinent facts); perhaps to be included in with a coming CGID account mailing.
Deny Dotson, Storey County Community Services Director, opened his presentation with a flat statement that "nothing is set." He made it clear he feels that public input is critical in making this project a success...getting full use by the entire spectrum of age groups represented in the community. Family activities, he said, will be a focal point in the design and setting of priorities.
We learned that there will be continual public input, cumulating with another public meeting sometime in mid-August. At that meeting, it is hoped a final community approval will be realized.
Toward that end, the Lockwood Community Coalition, the primary community conduit on this project, will hold its next meeting May 13th at the Community Center from 3:30 to 5pm. The Coalition will coalesce the many ideas into specific designs and recommendations. Email for particulars.
We learned that funding is already in place. Included is: a Title I allocation to Hillside School, a grant from the National Parks Service, support from several community-based organizations, , and possible donations from individuals, businesses and collective fundraising events.
As this Blog web address was handed out tonight, and several people wanted to know how to contact this blog for possible entry of their ideas and thoughts, the process is simple. Email to the address hypertexed above and in the header to this page, or reply to this Post with a Comment.
Simply click on the word 'Comment' below and fill in the form that appears. You may comment Anonymously.
What you type will come in to our Administrator email address. It will be read. Thought will be given regarding community value and form (no rants, please). It may be added to the Blog in one of two ways; as a Comment to a previous Post, or as a seperate Post. This depending on content and how it directly relates to the Post.
As you will see in review of previous Posts, our intention here is to be open to any input seen as a valid viewpoint... whether we agree, disagree or are ambivalent to it. If you contribute a thought, even Anonymously, and it holds value or real information that the community would want to share, we will publish.
If a person contributes regularly, they may gain the ability to post directly. This is a Team Blog.
In time, through use, this blog may become outdated and may be replaced with a full blown Lockwood Community web site. Let's hope. In the meantime, let's get the dialogue going. Your suggestions will be taken seriously.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Jim Gilliland passes
Jim was a veteran, having served in the Navy in the Pacific during World War II. He was said to have joined up at an early age and to have served with distinction.
Jim was always willing to offer suggestions. At the Lockwood Community/Senior Center he was "a regular" and brought to the table his own unique sence of humor. A quiet man, he would measure a situation and present his wisdom in a private way. He carried a knowing smile and bright disposition. He will be missed.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Charlie Bolle: Candidate for Sheriff
By Karen Woodmansee with her photograph
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Charlie Bolle thinks the Storey County Sheriff’s job is mostly management, and he touts his management background as what makes him the best man for the job. “I think all my competitors have law enforcement backgrounds,” he said. “I view sheriff’s position as administration and management and I have over 40 years with state and fed governments.
The Virginia City resident listed as part of his experience a stint with the National Aeronautics and Space Administra tion as a budget analyst and the United States Army Communications Command as a controller.
He has worked for the states of Alaska and South Dakota as a financial utility analyst and the state of Nevada as manager of policy analysis for the state Public Utilities Commission, managing the individuals that advise the commissioners. “As sheriff my job would be administration, management and to set policy, and see that the deputies carry out that policy,” he said.
He said if elected he planned to look at the management of the department, the positions that exist, and what positions are required. “I’d get the most efficiency out of department,” he said. “I would take a close look at the budget and remove what is not necessary.”
He said one problem was so many deputies live outside the county and take cars home with them. “They are driving the vehicles home to Reno, Sparks, Carson, that costs money in gas, wear and tear on the vehicles,” he said, adding that cars should not leave the county unless they are going from one end to another or transporting prisoners or evidence, or for official business.
Bolle said he would review each of the department’s programs and analyze the cost/benefits of those programs. “If I find programs in place that are necessary and cost effective, they will stay in place and if not they will be eliminated. I can’t see paying for something that is not necessary.”
Bolle, 67, said that he was running because “I think its time there is a change and the residents of the county feel safe, protected and comfortable with their sheriff’s department.”
He said there was a big gap between the community and the sheriff’s department. “They go out of their way to pull people over and to give them a DUI if they can,” he said. “I have been pulled over twice and given a warning. They tried to give me a DUI, but it came out .000 when I blew.”
He said once he got a warning for passing on the double yellow line, even though there was no double yellow line on the road he was driving. “The reason he pulled me over was to see if I had been drinking so they could give me a DUI,” he said. “They’re real heavy on DUI. Once I was pulled over in my own driveway.”
Bolle said it’s time for the community to feel comfortable with the sheriff and not be concerned that the sheriff is laying for them. “Every time I go to town, most of the time I don’t drink at all,” he said. “I’ve been drinking coffee, in case they do pull me over. I want to continue blowing .000 for them.”
He said he used to have a beer or two in town, and noticed that fewer people are going out. “A lot of people don’t go to town anymore and have a beer after work because they don’t want the hassle of it,” he said.
He said he would also insist deputies treat citizens with respect, something that he has not always experienced. “Both times I was pulled over, and the deputies were young men in late 20s, here I am 67 years old and they were very disrespectful,” he said. “They were talking to me like I was dirt on the ground. I think that they’ve got to give respect to get respect back from the community. I think the deputies have to remember that they are working for community, their salaries are paid by the community and they should show those residents proper respect.”
He did praise the current sheriff for doing a good job getting tough on drug activity in Virginia City. Bolle now sees the main risk to the public is speeding drivers. “Managing the flow of traffic through Storey County is an issue that sheriff has to be getting involved in,” he said. “People complain about speeding. I know on Mill Street, I watch cars go up the street, some in excess of 50 mph and the speed limit is 20.”
He didn’t cite specific crime control needs of communities, because he said he hasn’t seen evidence of where extra force was needed. “Wherever evidence shows there needs to be a law enforcement presence, there should be a good presence,” he said. “If in areas you have no reason, you don t need it, don’t put it there. Put the law enforcement in those areas that need it.”
“With a shrinking budget, you have to be sure your resources are utilized to the best possible effect,” he said.
Bolle said he would pursue POST certification if elected.
He also said he planned to stay if elected, even though his home is up for sale. “If I’m elected I would sell but rent a place,” he said. “But a good possibility is the house isn’t going to sell with the market the way it is. I figured since I’d be here for awhile, running for sheriff is something I want to do.”
Dave Dykstra: Candidate for Sheriff
By Karen Woodmansee (with her pohotograph)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Dave Dykstra’s run for Storey County Sheriff started in 1998. After 21 years with the Las Vegas Police Department and seven with the Storey County Sheriff’s office, he decided to seek the top job. But illness in his family forced him to drop out of the race before the primary. Now he is looking to pick up where he left off.
“There’s always that task that hasn’t been finished,” he said. “And I waited until the second week and wasn’t pleased with the candidates that had filed. I felt I was most qualified and wanted to offer my services to the people.”
He began his career in 1971 in the place where he was born and raised - Las Vegas. After 21 years he retired to Virginia City and was offered a “part-time” position as a deputy. “I was a full-time part-timer,” he said. “The first three or four years I worked between 30 and 60 hours a week.”
Since 1998, after his family member’s health crisis had passed, he worked as a contractor, owning his own business and taking on multi-million projects. He was also project director for Mono County, Calif., Public Works, where he managed a $3.2 million budget. In addition, he is an LPO with the Navy Reserves who was called up in 2001 and spent time in Fallon, overseeing 50 reservists and serving as liaison between them and the active duty staff, he said. Currently, he is a member of the Comstock Historic District board.
Dykstra said more should have been done to prevent the recent layoffs of five patrol deputies. “We have seven supervisors and eight deputies,” he said. “I would have looked at reducing everyone in rank. You might have been able to save a few of those positions.”
He said he doesn’t understand how the sheriff’s department has as many supervisors as they do. “When I was there we had 12 total to patrol the county, and we did pretty well,” he said. “I don’t understand why you need seven supervisors.”
He also suggested keeping part-timers and using reserve deputies when needed. If elected, he said he would emphasize “preventive patrolling by reinstating the resident deputy program in place under former Sheriff Bob Del Carlo. He said more time spent patrolling a community can prevent burglaries, vandalism, gang activity and other crimes. He praised Sheriff Jim Miller for his drug interdiction program, but said the department needed to become more user-friendly.
“You don’t see deputies out and about like we did,” he said. “The whole concept of law enforcement has been very defensive. Guys are taught in the Academy that the public is the enemy. That has to change.”
He would also like to have deputies eventually patrol on bicycles and motorcycles, to be paid for with grants. Dykstra said motorcycle officers would be better received by the public - especially during Street Vibrations. He thought there was too heavy a law enforcement presence a few years ago during that event, though he said it was possible intelligence dictated the situation.
“With motorcycles there is a psychological advantage,” he said. “Bikers like to see cops on bikes. You can temper a situation by having a bike officer respond.”
If elected, Dykstra would first sit down with his deputies, individually and in groups, to see what changes they think would be good for the county. Since they are the ones patrolling, they may have a better idea where the most need is, he said.
He would also rotate deputies in and out of the jail, to break up the monotony.
Dykstra said he felt that the sheriff’s department had been overly aggressive in traffic control. “To indiscriminately stop someone for going two miles over the speed limit is ridiculous,” he said. “I was there to stop people going 50 mph through town.”
He also doesn’t plan to have deputies watch the bars or cook up a reason to stop someone looking for DUIs. “If they haven’t driven erratically or you didn’t see them stumbling to their car, don’t pull them over,” he said.
He said when he was with the sheriff’s department and saw someone drunk heading to a car, he would just take them home.
Dykstra said he doesn’t like the word “proactive” when applied to law enforcement. He thinks a presence is enough to deter crime, and the absence of crime is the goal, not the number of citations given or arrests made. “There are too many heavy-handed tactics,” he said. “In a domestic, if no one is violent, they’re just having an argument, no one has to go to jail. Just see if one can go somewhere else for the night.”
Dykstra said in the possible case of a county official being pulled over or suspected of an offense, he would prefer a deputy call him and let him handle it, taking the onus off the patrol officer.
Dykstra supported creating an Animal Shelter at the Justice Center and having inmates care for the dogs and volunteers try to place unclaimed animals for adoption.
“A lot of this is not that hard,” he said. “I hope people vote for common sense, because that’s what I’m all about.”
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Steve Mizelle: Candidate for Sheriff
Taken from Steve Mizelle's web site supporting his candidacy for Sheriff of Storey County:
My Pledge To the Citizens of Storey County:
I am committed to the prevention of crime and the protection of life and property; the preservation of peace, order, and safety; the enforcement of laws and the safeguarding of the citizens of Storey County.
I will nurture public trust by holding all members of the Storey County Sheriff's Office to the highest standards of professionalism, performance and ethics.
I will carefully and judiciously manage the financial resources entrusted to the Sheriffs Office and will focus those resources toward efficiently achieving the goals of the agency.
I will demonstrate respect to the taxpayer by ensuring accountability and transparency to the public of the effective management of the financial resources entrusted to me.
I will serve our citizens with respect, dignity, fairness and compassion.
I will work together with the community to solve problems, form partnerships and strive to improve the quality of life for everyone by working together to make our streets, neighborhoods and schools safe.
For more information, go to
Read Comments below for Steve's reply to specific issues sent him via email.
Meet the Candidates
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Email from Tom Haynie:
Information about activities known to have happened or that is happening in the operations of LCC need to be made known to my attorneys and myself.
This to include:
- Mortgage fraud
- Any other fraud or misrepresentation causing LCC money expenditure
- Mismanagement or embezzlement of LCC funds (past or present)
- Management or Board members lying to the membership for gain (personal and other)
- Violation of the By-laws and CCR’s by Board Members
- Omissions, favoritism or unaccounted expenditures or use of LCC property
- Membership violations including favoritism in Board actions (including upcoming CCR's changes.
I have been duped because of LCC Board member action and non-action, I have lost my home and its contents (including furniture, kitchen appliances, washer, dryer, stereo, video, and clothing). The culprits are fully aware of the situation and acted against me out of personal spite.
Email and helpful information to: or make a Comment (anonymous is OK)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Open Letter from Sheriff Candidate Antinoro
I have devoted my 25-year career in law enforcement to protecting the citizens of my community, the last four of which have been in Storey County. I am committed to providing Storey County citizens and visitors with the highest quality of service so that our communities can continue to maintain an excellent environment in which to live and raise a family.
My experience over the past four years has given me sound insight as to the needs of the community. Your Sheriff’s Office has become recognized as one of the premier sheriff’s offices in rural Nevada. We have worked hard to improve services to the citizens; improved the professionalism of Sheriff’s Office staff; and through technology and efficiency, are better at providing the quality of service our county needs and deserves.
I look forward to continuing to serve the citizens of Storey County. We have already developed a support network to county seniors through the Sheriff’s Office in partnership with various community groups; we are working towards implementing Neighborhood Watch programs in some areas of the county where there is desire to be involved by residents; and we are looking to develop youth and other citizen programs to continue keeping the community knowledgeable of the workings of our office.
I hold the office of Sheriff in the highest regard and am committed to serving this community with dedication and enthusiasm. I will continue to work with citizens and other public agencies to address the concerns of the community and to protect our citizens to the best of my abilities.
I am asking for your support in my campaign. Please take a moment to review the support card. Your comments are welcome and I appreciate your support and your vote in the 2010 election.
The above is the Storey Citizens statement of the candidate on his web site. It is placed here for balance against the John Tyson letter of previous post.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Lockwood Park and Trail Meeting Upcoming

Assistant Sheriff Antinoro to Meet Public
Remembering Eileen Pruitt: A Public Demonstration
Rides from the Senior/Community Center will be available that day at approximately 2 PM.
If enough people are interested and make a committment a bus may become available. Respond to this with a Comment below.
Monday, April 12, 2010
A Message from Sheriff Candidate John Tyson

I have a vision for the Storey County Sheriff’s Department. And that’s to make it an agency that everyone can be proud of. It is not an idle boast.
When I first came to Virginia City in 1981, as a former police chief and professionally trained police officer, I was hired by the sheriff at the time to take care of the back country as a ranger.
But the closer I got to the inner workings of the department, the more I realized that something was very wrong. People who were born and raised here were seemingly above the law. There were several incidents where I learned that lesson the hard way. There were persistent rumors of corruption and unlawful activity. Officials from other agencies warned me not to get involved in the department. It became increasingly apparent that the Storey County Sheriff’s Department had the preverbal black cloud hanging over its head.
Equipment was antiquated, and training was none existent. And as time went on, things got worse. An untrained dispatcher began running the department, which in turn forced the line officers to join the union for protection. I watched, and I listened and I learned..
The situation improved when a new sheriff took over. The computer system was upgraded, and newer vehicles were made available. The department took a step upwards. But the under sheriff was caught in a home invasion, and was allowed to stay on the force. The department became a laughing stock with other agencies. Once again, the department was the focus of ridicule and embarrassment.
The next sheriff took the department into the 21st century. The department gained new vehicles, a new dispatch center, jail upgrades, continued training. The officers were overjoyed to say the least. Again, I watched, I listened and I learned.
But now, the situation has changed. There is turmoil inside the department. More than two dozen officers have come and gone in just three years. There is apparently a lack of trust between the administration and line officers. There are lawsuits pending, and union grievances against the administration which also are pending.
The point of all this is, after all these years of looking over my shoulder, I now know where I am going. This is why I’ve agreed to run for the office. And now the choice for a sheriff you want for your community is up to you.
You can benefit from my years of experience and the vision and wisdom I’ve gained from it; or you can choose someone who’s been here only a short time, and is supposedly being blamed for the discourse inside the department now.
Law Enforcement administration is not rocket science. It is the sheriff’s job to give his officers the training, the tools, and most importantly, the confidence to do the job of protecting and serving our people and our communities. It is equally important that they adhere to strict policies that prohibit harassing or heavy handedness.
The sheriff also has the duty to listen to what his constituents have to say. Protect and serve is not just an idle phrase. It really does mean something.
The sheriff you choose must have the wisdom and vision that only comes from watching, and listening, and learning. That is why I sincerely believe I’m the right person for the job.
I’d appreciate your vote on June 8th.
John Tyson
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Update: Eileen Pruitt Murder
Trial is scheduled for November 16th, and is expected to take two weeks.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
What's That Noise? Government Money @ Work?
Work is being done utilizing a grant from the federal Economic Stimulus Act under the supervision of the Canyon General Improvement District and will cost about $3 million. Effluent will be bought by Waste Management on a per/gallon basis. There is no "out of pocket" expense to the community in this project therfore no increase in rates is contemplated. Completion is scheduled for mid-summer. However, as the work progresses up Canyon Way, noise will dissipate considerably.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Neighborhood Watch Organizes

Attendees are asked to submit personal information, including email address and home location, for eventual use by Watch organizers. A web site is contemplated. A Watch Commander was appointed. Further information will be enclosed in next month's CGID billing statement.
Business was concluded with the setting of the next meeting. It will be, Tuesday, April 6th at 6PM, in the Center.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Community Meeting Opens Many Dialogues

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Pruitt Murder Arraignment Set
Ryan Bonnet will be arraigned on Open Murder and Assaulting a Police Officer charges February 19th in Storey County District Court for the death of Eileen Pruitt and resisting police arrest. Details of his Friday Preliminary Hearing in Justice of the Peace Annette Daniels' court are covered in F.T.Norton's bylined article in the Nevada Appeal today. Read it online here.
The hearing room was filled to overflow as the tedious detail of the unfortunate October 18th incident in Lockwood's Rainbow Bend development was reflected by witnesses. The hearing was conducted in a small room with bench seats for about 20; standing room had the total witnessing the hearing over 30. It was hot and uncomfortable for all attending, but determination kept the room near capacity as the long day unfolded. Members of the Pruitt family were in attendance.
Not mentioned in the F.T.Norton article was testimony that tied Bonnet statements on the fateful day to the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club (HA); esp. who, according to one witness, he said to be his "family,"and were "ready to take care of any problem."