Taken from Steve Mizelle's web site supporting his candidacy for Sheriff of Storey County:
My Pledge To the Citizens of Storey County:
I am committed to the prevention of crime and the protection of life and property; the preservation of peace, order, and safety; the enforcement of laws and the safeguarding of the citizens of Storey County.
I will nurture public trust by holding all members of the Storey County Sheriff's Office to the highest standards of professionalism, performance and ethics.
I will carefully and judiciously manage the financial resources entrusted to the Sheriffs Office and will focus those resources toward efficiently achieving the goals of the agency.
I will demonstrate respect to the taxpayer by ensuring accountability and transparency to the public of the effective management of the financial resources entrusted to me.
I will serve our citizens with respect, dignity, fairness and compassion.
I will work together with the community to solve problems, form partnerships and strive to improve the quality of life for everyone by working together to make our streets, neighborhoods and schools safe.
For more information, go to Mizelleforsheriff.com
Read Comments below for Steve's reply to specific issues sent him via email.
1 comment:
Steve Mizelle's reply to questions sent by email through his web site:
Thank you, for your questions, I have given my response for each question and hope they are what you are looking for. The bottom line is, that I will provide the best possible service to our community. I am not a politician, just someone that wants to make life better for our community
Economic cost-cutting measures you may be contemplating.
I have reviewed the budget for the Sheriff's office. It looks like to me that with the loss of 5 Deputies and other personnel things have been cut way back already. I do plan on looking at cutting cost where possible such as the Sheriff's Office is very top heavy on command staff. I would like to realign this where possible and streamline operations with out affecting public safety. I would replace vehicles at the rate of one or two at a time, then auction the old vehicles use the cash to offset the cost of the new one.
Evenness in law enforcement,
Law Enforcement is equal to all; there are no special favors because of someone’s status. I believe that someone who makes 10,000 a year should be treated the same as someone making 1000000. To me how you enforce the law is as important as the enforcement of law. If you treat people with respect while doing the job it goes alot easier and builds respect from the community.
I have over 15 years of Law Enforcement and security experience. I am well adapted to managing and training personnel. I have been in charge of 135 Marines under combat conditions.
Neighborhood watch
I believe that neighborhood watch is critical and should be fully supported by the Sheriff. I plan on starting a volunteer patrol for the different areas of the county. I would supply the training and vehicle for the citizens to use. This is for observation and reporting purposes only to help the Deputies control problems within your area.
Train and freeway noise
I would have no problem working with the Commissioners to petition the railroad to consider Lockwood a quite zone. Freeway noise is harder to fix, the cost of sound barriers is astronomical, but you can always ask. I would
Wild horses
I like the horses as a part of the western heritage. I also understand that there are times when they can be a problem. I would work with the horse experts to control problems.
Hells Angels
I have dealt with most of the biker clubs in the country. I have learned that for the most part they try to maintain a low profile. What can I say, they are a 1% bike group, and I would not hesitate to take action should they commit illegal activities. I will protect our community.
Off-road activities.
This is an ongoing issue throughout the county. I would like to see more organized activities in areas that everyone can live with. The new dirt bike track in your area should help. I will work complaints if any so that everyone can live with the results.
Where do you stand?
I can make a difference in the lives of our citizens of Storey County. We need a different perspective concerning how law enforcement should be handled. Our laws need to be enforced, but it is how you enforce them that makes the difference. I believe that law enforcement is ninety percent attitude and with the proper attitude it can be done more efficiently. I have the Commitment and Passion to accomplish this. I will rebuild the relationship between the community and their Deputies. I will uphold and defend your rights guaranteed by our Constitution. I will provide an agency that is respected by giving respect to the people of our county. I believe in Community Always First, and will make sure this is done.
Steve Mizelle
P.O. Box 134
Virginia City Nevada 89440
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