By Karen Woodmansee with her photograph
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Charlie Bolle thinks the Storey County Sheriff’s job is mostly management, and he touts his management background as what makes him the best man for the job. “I think all my competitors have law enforcement backgrounds,” he said. “I view sheriff’s position as administration and management and I have over 40 years with state and fed governments.
The Virginia City resident listed as part of his experience a stint with the National Aeronautics and Space Administra tion as a budget analyst and the United States Army Communications Command as a controller.
He has worked for the states of Alaska and South Dakota as a financial utility analyst and the state of Nevada as manager of policy analysis for the state Public Utilities Commission, managing the individuals that advise the commissioners. “As sheriff my job would be administration, management and to set policy, and see that the deputies carry out that policy,” he said.
He said if elected he planned to look at the management of the department, the positions that exist, and what positions are required. “I’d get the most efficiency out of department,” he said. “I would take a close look at the budget and remove what is not necessary.”
He said one problem was so many deputies live outside the county and take cars home with them. “They are driving the vehicles home to Reno, Sparks, Carson, that costs money in gas, wear and tear on the vehicles,” he said, adding that cars should not leave the county unless they are going from one end to another or transporting prisoners or evidence, or for official business.
Bolle said he would review each of the department’s programs and analyze the cost/benefits of those programs. “If I find programs in place that are necessary and cost effective, they will stay in place and if not they will be eliminated. I can’t see paying for something that is not necessary.”
Bolle, 67, said that he was running because “I think its time there is a change and the residents of the county feel safe, protected and comfortable with their sheriff’s department.”
He said there was a big gap between the community and the sheriff’s department. “They go out of their way to pull people over and to give them a DUI if they can,” he said. “I have been pulled over twice and given a warning. They tried to give me a DUI, but it came out .000 when I blew.”
He said once he got a warning for passing on the double yellow line, even though there was no double yellow line on the road he was driving. “The reason he pulled me over was to see if I had been drinking so they could give me a DUI,” he said. “They’re real heavy on DUI. Once I was pulled over in my own driveway.”
Bolle said it’s time for the community to feel comfortable with the sheriff and not be concerned that the sheriff is laying for them. “Every time I go to town, most of the time I don’t drink at all,” he said. “I’ve been drinking coffee, in case they do pull me over. I want to continue blowing .000 for them.”
He said he used to have a beer or two in town, and noticed that fewer people are going out. “A lot of people don’t go to town anymore and have a beer after work because they don’t want the hassle of it,” he said.
He said he would also insist deputies treat citizens with respect, something that he has not always experienced. “Both times I was pulled over, and the deputies were young men in late 20s, here I am 67 years old and they were very disrespectful,” he said. “They were talking to me like I was dirt on the ground. I think that they’ve got to give respect to get respect back from the community. I think the deputies have to remember that they are working for community, their salaries are paid by the community and they should show those residents proper respect.”
He did praise the current sheriff for doing a good job getting tough on drug activity in Virginia City. Bolle now sees the main risk to the public is speeding drivers. “Managing the flow of traffic through Storey County is an issue that sheriff has to be getting involved in,” he said. “People complain about speeding. I know on Mill Street, I watch cars go up the street, some in excess of 50 mph and the speed limit is 20.”
He didn’t cite specific crime control needs of communities, because he said he hasn’t seen evidence of where extra force was needed. “Wherever evidence shows there needs to be a law enforcement presence, there should be a good presence,” he said. “If in areas you have no reason, you don t need it, don’t put it there. Put the law enforcement in those areas that need it.”
“With a shrinking budget, you have to be sure your resources are utilized to the best possible effect,” he said.
Bolle said he would pursue POST certification if elected.
He also said he planned to stay if elected, even though his home is up for sale. “If I’m elected I would sell but rent a place,” he said. “But a good possibility is the house isn’t going to sell with the market the way it is. I figured since I’d be here for awhile, running for sheriff is something I want to do.”
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